New Ideal Life Ministry Organization India

My Agenda K. Trust property by the The Corpus fund is Rs.50,000/- thousand) only given (Fify founder trustees. Notes: Besides above described properties, the trust property includes all those properties of whatsoeverkindthat will be aoquired in future by the trust forits objects from whatsoeversourco, L object of the trust 1. Rescue Feedingand sheltering the street children, (orphanage) 2. Mid-day meals for children in slums 3. Vocational Training for school children. 4. Bridge School facility for street children 5. To work for the welfare of orphan children. 6. To rescueand rehabilitate girls below 18 from vulnerable conditions 7. to start residential schooV para medical school, nursing 8. To get assistance from funding organizations, institutions, Govt. individuals both local and international in the form of donation to carry out the above objects. 9. To lease, rent, purchase, build or otherwise acquire properties, both movable and immovable printing and exporting books for carrying out the objects of the society. 10. to rehabilitate children of prostitutes, or HIV Aids patients, mentally retarded, hearing impaired leprosy patieots, work in tribal area in this matter.11. To teach and preach the gospel of Jesus to every person as taught and commanded by Jesus, 12. To build and manage homes for widows, aged people and orphans 13. To alleviate the suffering of the down trodden and enable the less privileged todevelop them.14. To co-operate with the government and other agencies in furthering the education system for poor and needy children and to accept orphan children through govt.agencies,

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